I've heard many conspiracy theories that say I am doing very little studying while I am abroad. Some people have even gone so far to say that this trip was a prolonged vacation in disguise. I beg to differ. It is true that I have visited many new places. I had to balance my travels with time for studying. Since I had to keep up with the readings I was assigned, I read anywhere I got a chance: on the tube, buses, on airplanes, even on the beach in Barcelona. I even read in Regent's Park.
Here I am in Regent's Park on a nice date in late March. It was one of the first days that the sun appeared for more than one hour. I took advantage of London's beautiful parks instead of reading inside.
This may look posed, but don't allow yourself to be fooled. I was working on a paper for my Shakespeare on Stage class and my friend took a picture of me. This is the computer lab we had access to as a part of our program. I am smiling because studying isn't as tiresome when it's happening in London!
Today I submitted the last essay of my undergraduate degree! I was so happy. I am offically done with my coursework for my BA. What a perfect ending to a great semester? It doesn't get any better; submitting my last essay in front of Big Ben was priceless.